
Back to Basics: Introduction

The goal of Itsy Bitsy Bums has always been, and always will be - 

make cloth diapering easy and accessible for anyone and everyone who is interested. 

I'll admit, as I've focused on growing the brand offerings and deepening the product selection, I haven't been great about upholding the education side of things. One-on-one education still happens on a daily basis (hello to my email pen pals!). But I apologize, my fine shoppers, that the larger tools have fallen by the wayside. But I am excited to share that I have soooo many projects in mind that will add a large teaching piece back into the online site.

So here you go - a taste of what I have planned: 
  • You Tube videos - online tutorials, comparing brands and items side by side, trial package and newborn diaper rental introductions, and more! please forgive the Minnesota/Kansas hybrid accent I've managed to cook up.
  • Photos, photos, photos! - cannot stream that video while browsing (I mean, working) at work? These photos will capture the key points of the You Tube videos, giving you tons of visuals. 
  • Related items - putting all the tools in one place. Yes, you will probably want pins or Snappis and a cover for that prefold.
  • Blog posts - while I may rant and rave over here on Bitsy Buzz, this information will soon be linked within individual product pages, making it easier to find commentary and advice while shopping. 
  • Introductory Headers - more didactic material to introduce types and brands. You can get a taste of this upgrade on the 'Doublers and Inserts' page

Other upgrades in the works: 
  • Revised Trial Packages: so many great brands in the store, why not update the trial packages to match the variety and options available? 
  • New Trial and Bulk Packages: Nighttime diapering trial packs to be released shortly. In addition, more sampler packs. 
  • Larger Inventory Offerings: The store began with a 2-in-every-color-in-every-size inventory strategy* and will now be moving in to higher inventory numbers. Want five of that one color? Yes, we'll have it.  (*well, a gross simplification of inventory management, but you get the idea)
  • So-special Orders: For some of the more specialty brands, it is cost- and space-prohibitive to carry so many of any one color. For these items, enter special orders! Several of my amazing wholesale partners ship über-quickly, and oftentimes directly to customers. This page will feature those brands, and perhaps even offer some special pricing from time to time....
  • Glossary: Taking a cue from the 'Type of Diaper' and 'Accessory' pages, the glossary will (hopefully) elucidate those concepts and terms you encounter on your cloth diapering journey.
  • Help! Gets More Helpful: More 'help!' featurettes, including 'Is It Too Late to Switch?' and 'Cloth Wipes Are Fabulous!'

Lastly, here are a couple of the upgrades already in place:
  • Doubler Samplers: streamlining your research into easy-to-digest pieces. Find it here
  • On Nighttime Diapering: get that perfect overnight combination for your baby! Find it here

Please stay tuned as these updates are made - some while be published with fanfare, while others will quietly appear when you aren't looking. As always, if you have any feedback and/or other ideas that might enhance these upgrades further, don't hesitate to let me know! 



  1. Love what you're doing, Abby, it all looks GREAT! You make it seem easy and it's obvious that you LOVE it, too. Way to grow ;)

  2. Thanks Tara. <3 So many ideas, so little time. :)

  3. I agree with Tara- everything you're doing looks awesome! Love your shop. I don't know if I would have been able to stick with cloth diapering without you. <3
